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10 Recent(ish) Films You May Not Have Seen

Whether these films didn't get the proper publicity, or just didn't make a splash in theaters, these films seem to be lesser known. If you're looking for a good flick, be it for art direction, a few laughs, or a unique story, but you've seemed to have watched everything out there, you should try these movies.

1] Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. It surprises me how many people have not seen, or even heard of this movie. It has Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer, I mean come on, it's fucking hilarious! If you like fast wit and sharp repartee, you'll like this movie. Seriously, Val Kilmer KILLS this role, and Downey is a smart ass as always. A perfect mix between a Nancy Drew/James Bond mystery, and a roll-with-the-punches comedy, this movie will most definitely keep you entertained.

2] Franklyn. This film is a drama, with a beautiful gothic feel, it takes it's time weaving from one individual to the next. While it may not have back to back action like the preview so unfairly promises, the sweet contrast between current London, and the future London adds levels to the story that keep you captured and enraptured.

3] Delicatessen. You might not like foreign films, but I don't care. Watch this movie. This is another film with gorgeous art direction and set design. See the colours in the poster? Well expect to see them a lot more, the entire movie feels like that. With flawless consistency and fantastic acting, Delicatessen is a black comedy about a landlord/butcher who provides for his own in a post-apocalyptic world.

4] Running Scared. My god do I enjoy this movie. If you were waiting for a mad action flick, this is it. After a sneaky little brat gets himself into trouble, Paul Walker must run around town trying to set things right, and delivers his best performance ever. It has fantastic editing, and a certain scene in a certain couple's apartment gives me viewer-rage and goosepimples everytime I watch it.

5] Mr. Nobody. My friend recommended this film to me, and it was definitely worth the watch. With this film Jared Leto gets to explore the concept of parallel universes. He scoops you up and takes you along with him into these scattered worlds of life changing choices, lost and found loves, and even futuristic immortals. Two thumbs and two big toes up for the cinematography in this film. But try not to miss anything, you might get stuck in a different universe.

6] If your a fan of Wes Anderson, you've seen The Royal Tenenbaums, and if you haven't then what the fuck are you waiting for?! Wes Anderson's way of storytelling is awkward and a little outrageous. But don't worry,  the story of this dysfunctionally functional family won't leave you mindfucked, just warm, and perhaps slightly uncomfortable, like trying to sleep upside down in your bed. With some big ticket actors like Ben Stiller, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bill Murray, and Owen AND Luke Wilson, there's no way your going wrong on this one.

7] Ink. Slow, original, surreal and moody, this film is for a rainy day. Whip out your drawing pad and grab a cup of tea, Ink is a magnetic, modern day fairy tale of the origins of our dreams. You most likely haven't heard of Ink, not because it's not good, but because it's no hollywood summer blockbuster. What it lacked in budget, it makes up for in character design and concept. Throw in some parkour, a few 'wow' delivering images, and some of the creepiest bad guys around, and you get a small treasure, a little diamond in the rough. Watch it, you'll see.

8] Tideland. Terry Gilliam's twisted take on Alice in Wonderland will probably haunt you a little bit. If you've been searching for a movie with an odd, schizophrenic little girl, look no further! Tideland will definitely keep you interested, and there's no mistaking Gilliam's creativity with his direction. You're probably gonna think it's weird, but, you're probably gonna like it.

9] My oh my, another Terry Gilliam film? Well believe me, you don't wanna miss this one. A fantastical adventure, The Imaginarium of Dr.Parnasses travels around, helping to free people of their shackles to material things, (much to the advantage of the group of entertainers). This movie is just superb. It's joyous, adventurous, and a teensy bit crazy. Yes, it was Heath Ledger's last film, and yes, they got Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Colin Farrel all to help complete Ledger's role in the movie. The way they did it alone is worth the watch, if not for a last farewell to the best Joker there ever was.

10]Hellboy II. It's likely you saw the first flick, and skipped out on the second, but it should definitely be the other way around. Guillermo Del Toro improved his skill vastly from the first film. After Hellboy, he went on to direct Pan's Labyrinth (if you haven't seen that either GTFO or go watch it IMMEDIATELY), and you can definitely tell. The acting's nothing to write home about, but you must see this movie for the pure visual glee it gives you. I'd pick the earth elemental in this film a thousand times over any single second of Avatar (what a peice that was). The costume design, cgi, and combat is what makes the film. And the segment where the history of the golden army is revealed is revolutionary. Del Toro creates a beautiful short film within his feature one. If you didn't like the first film, just try this one, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Happy movie watching you crazy film buffs.

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