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Felt Craft Idea's

It's been a short while since I posted on my blog...perhaps a classic case of 'creative burnout' as a result of blogging for 10 years. An entire decade - how did that happen? But as the world is a slightly different place right now, I thought 'no time like the present' to get back to it. Let's be honest, most of us have a lot of extra time on our hands at the moment!

It seems that right about now, we are all looking to be a bit more resourceful with how we spend our time and setting our mind to 'creative mode'. So whilst I usually blog about fashion trends and analyse runway collections, I thought now would be the time to share some of my other creative projects with you. 

One of my main creative hobbies is making felt decorations. I find it unbelievably relaxing to set my mind to a creative task and come up with ideas for different decorations. Predominantly using felt, I then add embroidery with coloured thread and beads. Below are some of my own favourite creations:

Phillippa x

Pinterest - phillippadesign
Twitter - @phillippa22

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