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Food to Avoid during Monsoon ( #HealthyMonsoon)

Food to Avoid during Monsoon ( #HealthyMonsoon)

Rain , ginger tea and a steaming plate of pakoras are the best combination to enjoy the monsoon .. While the rain makes you relax from the scorching heat , it also comes with  bags full of various infections and diseases . It is very important to take proper care of our health during monsoon . Food plays an important role in this case .

Everyone advise us since childhood to have green leafy vegetables , fruits , non-veg (increase you are a non-vegetarian) on a regular basis as these are good for our growth and body . But to break the myth here I want to add that we should avoid eating green leafy veggies especially during monsoon . Along with that don't take non-veg or any other heavy food items much during monsoon . This is because during monsoon the digestion process inside our body slows down and you can feel full with small meals too . Because of the moisture and humidity outside our body feels lazy and it is advisable to not have hard to digest food .

During monsoon varities of fruits available and as per experts , you can  go with fresh homemade fruit juice instead to get the most benefits of their nutritional value.

Hence in this post i am going to share with you some foods which you need to avoid especially during monsoon .

1. Leafy Vegetables :

Food to Avoid during Monsoon ( #HealthyMonsoon)

We all know that leafy vegetables are beneficial for good health . But during monsoon it is butterflies avoid these. The dampness and dust over the leaves make them more prone to germs . So do avoid spinach , cauliflower, cabbage ,etc. during monsoon . instead you can go for bitter gourd, tori or tinda . Always was the vegetables thoroughly before cooking.

2. Sea Food :

Food to Avoid during Monsoon ( #HealthyMonsoon)

Monsoon is the breeding season for fishes and prawns , so better to avoid those during this time of the year. You can consume chicken or mutton instead but make sure in smaller quantities . All these are heavy to digest food ,hence taking smaller quantity is advisable . Also cook non-veg food with extra care to avoid as my kind of stomach infection .

3. Juices and Fruits from roadside vendors :

Food to Avoid during Monsoon ( #HealthyMonsoon)

Any food item that has exposed to monsoon air for a longer period of time ,should be avoided . A good food habit is , never consume uncovered food . The road side vendors keep the fruits in open air and also keep the cut fruits before hand which is more in contact with the contaminated air . Hence better to avoid that . Only make fresh fruit juices at home and consume immediately. Also always make sure to wash the fruits well and cut fresh and have immediately .

4. Fried food :

Food to Avoid during Monsoon ( #HealthyMonsoon)

Yes, you read right , fried food should be avoided during monsoon. I know pakoras, samosas, kachoris have seen everywhere during this time as our taste bud love crunchy and salty food during  the rainy season but we need to control  ourselves. Because of the humid weather outside human's body's digestion process go slow . Only our body needs plenty of water to stay hydrated inside . Consumption of oily or fried food can cause stomach upset , gastronomical problems . Along with that never eat street food like golgappas , chat ,etc. as the water used in that can cause bacterial infection in the stomach .

5. Fizzy Drinks :

Food to Avoid during Monsoon ( #HealthyMonsoon)

Such drinks reduce minerals in our body which leads to less enzyme activity in the body . This is not a good sign for our already weak digestive system . Instead of that drink normal boiled water , nimbu pani, shikanji,etc. to keep the body hydrated .

Along with all these , make sure to have light diet in each meal which are easy to digest . Drink clean , boiled water throughout the day . Do maintain your personal hygiene to stay away from the flu and infections .. After all health is wealth .

Food to Avoid during Monsoon ( #HealthyMonsoon)

This blog post is a part of #blogtrain hosted by Amrit Kaur (Amy) of  and sponsored by Natural Indian Brand Vedantika Herbals . Do follow the blog train of great writers and bloggers and read all the posts. Also keep a check on Instagram feed ( here) for a huge giveaway on 7th Aug 2019.

Don't forget to check out  Khushboo's blog which is the next blog of  this #10writersblogtrain.

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