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Tanzania, Africa: A honeymooner's guide

For those newlyweds lured by the call of the wild, it doesn’t get much wilder than an African safari.

We’re all fans of David Attenborough’s documentaries, but while the cameras show the wildlife up-close-and-personal, it’s not until you’re plastered up against the perplex window of a jeep that you realise the true power of “the wild”.

In order to fully integrate into the wild African landscape (without compromising on luxury of course), stay in your very own safari tent.

The Serengeti Migration Camp’s old-world spacious elevated safari tents, each with hardwood floors, rain showers and lavish furnishings, are surrounded by private decked verandahs with rocking chairs, where you can overlook the Grumeti River and its resident hippos.

The camp is located at the starting point of one of the world’s natural travel wonders: the Serengeti, host to the largest overland mammal migration and therefore one of the best spots to go on safari.

While the main drawcard is of course the day drives into the Serengeti National Park, you can also go bird watching, trail walking along the Grumeti River and enjoy romantic sunset dinners on your own private deck.

When to visit: June to November is Tanzania's dry season and is the best time to be on safari.

Must-do: It’s hard to top getting up close to the animal herds, but try heading for the clouds to take in sweeping views of the African landscape via a hot air ballooning ride. Be sure to toast to the wild with a glass of Champagne on your decent!

Stay at: Serengeti Migration Camp, Tanzania.

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