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Ted Baker: Body Sprays

It is nothing new for a fashion brand to expand into beauty. One thing I learnt at the Dior: Designer of Dreams Exhibition was that early on Christian Dior wanted to create the entire look for women, including accessories and makeup. Chanel was one of the pioneers of synthetic fragrance and thus came the rise of Chanel No. 5. As I say, this style of diffusion into beauty is nothing new and has been happening for years. However something that is slightly newer is a cheaper brand attempting this move into beauty, because it is a large venture. One brand who have been creating products with Boots for years who aren't on the same scale as Chanel or Dior is Ted Baker, a brand who I have purchased clothes from for years but I have always missed out on the Bath and Body products.

I am a massive fan of Ted Baker as you will probably know if you have read my blog for a while, I have spoken about the brand a lot. Despite my love for the clothes, my experience with their beauty products has been limited. My best friend bought me a makeup set for Christmas a number of years ago which I did use but not enough to make an informed opinion on it. However this Christmas I was kindly given a mini Christmas ornament with a small bottle of perfume in it and I wanted to talk about it during Drugstore Month as it is rare I would use a cheaper fragrance.

As I said in my Zoella Fragrance post, I do not tend to buy a lot of cheaper perfumes. Even though I have been on the look out for something a bit cheaper for work, I haven't really tried anything so when I was given this Ted Baker Spray I was more than willing to give it a go. During the Winter sales I did also get a second version of the Ted Baker Sprays as it was only £2 and I had already started using the first one and I loved it!

Pretty Petal

The first of the two scents I am going to talk about is Pretty Petal and it was the one I was very kindly gifted by work. This is definitely the softer of the two scents which is reflected within the lighter packaging, in comparison to Opulent Petal. The top note is composed of Red Fruits and Peach. I absolutely adore the smell of Peach which I can only assume is one of the notes that appeals to me the most when I first spray this scent. 

Not too long after the heart note starts to come through and mingles with the top note. The top note is made up of: Sweet Violet, Rose Petals, Patchouli and Sandalwood. I did think it was a bit odd that Sandalwood and Patchouli would feature in the heart as they would usually be a component of the base note due to the depth and longevity they add to a scent. Instead they provide a little bit of warmth to the heart note in this scent. 

I have to say as Patchouli and Sandalwood are used to warm up the heart note, the base notes are rather light which keep the entire scent light. The base note is made up of Musk and Raspberry Leaf. Even though Musk has bit of a bad reputation due to the popular White Musk scent from The Body Shop that practically symbolised the 90s, Musk actually has more of an effect opposed to a scent. Musk just helps to amplify any of the notes above it and adds a sort of powderiness but that is the last word I would use to describe this Ted Baker scent, I do not think it is powdery at all. This perfume does have a softness but not a powderiness, it has a clarity to it which keeps it fresh. I love this scent, it is: really feminine, light and very wearable especially seeing as we are coming into Spring.

Opulent Petal

Having loved Pretty Petal so much, when I saw another of the miniature bottles in the Boots sale, I decided to just go for it, even though I had no idea what it was going to smell like. Turns out this second scent is called Opulent Petal and it is definitely a more full-bodied scent in comparison. Even though the top note starts out quite light and fresh with lots of Citrus notes and Green Apple which helps to create a crisp punch in the top note, it isn't the first thing I pick up on when I smell this scent. 

The top note is then followed by a very floral heart note that combines heady florals such as: Orange Blossom, Jasmine and Ylang. Even though I don't like Jasmine on it's own, it is an ingredient I find is in a lot of the perfumes I like. However I really do not like Orange Blossom, which is why it is slightly more mood dependent in regards to whether or not I like this scent. I don't mind this aspect of the scent but it is super floral so it does depend on how rich you like your floral scents. 

Whereas the base note was quite weak in Pretty Petal, it is a very dominant aspect of this scent. Opulent Petal contains Vanilla, Patchouli, Black Pepper and a hint of Clove in the base note. Personally I would say it is one of the notes I pick up on when I first smell this fragrance. The Vanilla adds a creaminess and softens the base note whilst Black Pepper adds a sharp note that could border on masculine if it wasn't combined with so many florals. On the Boots website they describe this as a woody floral but I would argue that it is spicy rather woody. Patchouli is a resin, albeit from a tree but it is incredibly warm and rich, and clove is definitely a spice, am I missing the woody part? It borders on floriential rather than woody. 

Out of the two I definitely prefer Pretty Petal and I have actually used mt small bottle up. I find Pretty Petal has been really easy to keep in my bag and it has been great to use as a little top up throughout the work day. Opulent Petal is nice but as I said I have to be in the mood for it and I think it is slightly more evening wear than Pretty Petal. With the combination of the two fragrances, you could have a whole days worth of fragrance down; you could wear Pretty Petal during the day for a soft feminine scent and then add an element of depth and richness with Opulent Petal.

Body Spray Vs. Perfume 

A common difference between high end and drugstore fragrances is the strength. No one wants to spend over £50 on a perfume just for it to last 1 hour so they tend to be a perfume for that sort of price which usually means the oil content is greater. This in turn makes them more expensive. Whereas a drugstore brand simply cannot afford this sort of cost, so they tend to be slightly watered down and therefore are either an Eau de Toilette or in this case a body spray. There are clear benefits to both types and it does depend on what you are looking for, not everyone wants to be a pungent cloud of floral scent like I do. A body spray is perfect for a lighter scent. If you want to smell like a walking Peony garden (like I do,) then a perfume is required. However a strong scent can be built up by using a body spray, it just requires regular top ups which is exactly what I do and I don't feel guilty about using lots of these body sprays as they are £3.50 each which is nothing!

I can't say I would want to wear something like this every day as the Ted Baker Sprays are very water based and I believe it would threaten to ruin your clothes. Plus I look at perfume as a treat and something I take an interest in so these feel a little bit less luxury than what I am used to. As I do take the time to pick my perfumes, I don't want to waste them by just going to work which makes a cheap body spray perfect for work. It's not the same as using something like an Impulse body spray which everyone had a can of when I was at school, it is slightly more fancy. The Ted Baker Sprays are much nicer than anything I had when I was at school.


I can't speak for the larger bottles as I don't have them, I've only had the smaller bottles but the smaller bottles are perfect for throwing in your bag. They contain 50ml of product which seems like it would be a lot but it most certainly isn't. I've had Pretty Petal since Christmas and I used it up at the end of March so they definitely do not last as long as a perfume of the same volume would. 

The best part of this packaging was the little Christmas ornament box this scent came in but obviously they don't normally come in this packaging. However the bottle is quite nice and I like that they have used different coloured sprays and lids to show off the different scent inside. Not only do they have the cute lids but they also have a different floral pattern as the backing of the bottle. This also shows the different scents but shows that they are part of the same collection. 'Ted Baker harks back to the glamour and luxury of yesteryear with the ultra-feminine Porcelain Rose bath and body collection.' (Boots) All of the Ted Baker sprays are part of the Porcelain Rose collection and the packaging, even though they do have subtle differences, they are all used to unified the products.


I had been saving talking about these two body sprays until Drugstore Month as they are easily some of my favourite drugstore scents. I much prefer both of these scents to the Zoella Fragrances I had tested earlier in the month. These are more floral and more of a well-rounded fragrance whereas I do not think the Zoella one are, they do not have the same level of balance, or depth. Not only that but these are still just as easy to use and easy to throw into your bag. 

I actually really like these scents and I do think these are perfect for work when you don't need to smell your best but you want to know you smell good. These will never replace my perfume collection but you can bet I will be buying more of these in the future. 

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