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banksy art balloon

banksy art balloon. Bansky Graffiti Art - Girl
  • Bansky Graffiti Art - Girl

  • azazel-
    Mar 15, 02:45 PM
    You may have Windows 7 on your desktop but I doubt if you've ever used it properly. Now I've been a Mac user for a long time and I own an iMac and an MBP but let me tell you this, Windows 7 is definitely much better than Vista.

    I really don't want to compare Windows to OSX but after using both Vista and 7, I am very confident when I say that Microsoft has really done a good job with Windows 7. Vista was a disaster though....

    Please, elaborate on how one he would have "used it properly" in reference to an OS.

    It's an OS. It should get the hell out of your way and let you worry about actually *doing* stuff with your computer. About the best thing I can say about Windows 7 is that it doesn't require me to care about it in the least, so in that, it's a success, although I still far prefer OS X.

    banksy art balloon. anksy-alloon-girl-t-shirt
  • anksy-alloon-girl-t-shirt

  • NicP
    Oct 26, 10:18 PM
    I have a question; I run istat nano widget, but have never gotten the temperature readout to work (everything else works fine). Is there something I need to do/can do to get it to register, or does this mean something is messed up on my computer?

    Install CoreDuoTemp, it will install the necessary bits and pieces to make the temperature readout work

    banksy art balloon. Banksy Balloon
  • Banksy Balloon

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    May 5, 10:22 AM
    So...are you on VZW? Do you actually have a care in this matter, or is it just another way to rant on others?

    AT&T still has people on $30 unlimited because they are grandfathered in. So will VZW, if they actually change the plans.

    umm no i'm grandfathered on att unlimited data plan.

    Never ranted on anyone... he said

    ATT fanboys always say "For now it's unlimited" as if VZW will really get rid o f unlimited

    (I hadn't made any comment on the matter, but thanks for your concern)

    I was simply letting him know that the reason other posters were saying this is because the CFO of verizon said it himself.

    Can I help you with anything else Mr. forum police?

    banksy art balloon. Banksy graffiti art is a
  • Banksy graffiti art is a

  • FF_productions
    Aug 3, 02:57 PM
    Is that a leopard in the reflection of the X of the disk?

    It represents leopard yes...nothing to be excited about...Apple told everyone that they were going to preview Leopard..the banner doesn't give anything away.

    banksy art balloon. Banksy - Girl with Balloon
  • Banksy - Girl with Balloon

  • cdinca
    Jan 11, 05:33 PM
    If you look at the picture of the iPhone poster, it seems to have a couple of subtle differences compared to my iPhone:

    3) Look very, very carefully at the top left hand corner: Is there a front facing camera hidden amongst the reflections?
    http://www.codefarm.co.uk/userpics/camera.jpg http://www.codefarm.co.uk/userpics/camera2.jpg

    I say no on this one

    but yeah...it does look like icons on the desktop.

    banksy art balloon. British street artist #39;Banksy#39;
  • British street artist #39;Banksy#39;

  • Funkymonk
    May 4, 10:29 PM
    Talks of the iPad 3 and I just ordered an iPad 2 two days ago....

    FFFFFFFfffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

    banksy art balloon. Banksy Balloon Girl
  • Banksy Balloon Girl

  • alimony
    Aug 3, 05:35 PM
    Seriously folks, you have all forgotten that WWDC is not a marketing event. It is a conference for developers. If you take a look at the WWDC page (http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/), you'll notice that there will be lots of talks on various technologies in Mac OS X. That is why all this stuff is depicted on the banner. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the person taking this picture have said that there was two covered banners and this was the only visible one. So, really, this banner is not speculation material. Only a few days left now, we'll find out about all the new stuff soon.

    banksy art balloon. Banksy - Red Carpet Rats art
  • Banksy - Red Carpet Rats art

  • kev0476
    Jul 22, 09:55 PM
    Last time I checked iPods and batteries aren't much of a renewable resource.

    But wind energy is, so one ipod versus piles of books, we could finally stop all this senseless logging.

    banksy art balloon. Balloon Girl Concrete
  • Balloon Girl Concrete

  • APPLEP58
    Oct 12, 03:50 AM
    I think you're over analyzing this situation. It is one that is purely BUSINESS.

    Intel has AMD as direct competition, causing a "space race" sort of 'speed race', they keep topping eachother in speed and proccesses. Both are forced to innovate to remain competitive; and even in the PC world, it is a hard choice whether to choose Intel or AMD for your processor.

    With Apple as their primary and only customer for the Mac specific chip, Motorolla has no need to innovate, there is no fire under ass, so to speak.

    Basically, they don't care because they don't have to. And it is not Apple's "fault", but rather a credit that they have standerdized on one processor; but that is a convenience and a privelage for Apple, only because there is no other maker at the moment. I'm sure if there was, there would be court cases similar to Microsoft is in about anti-competiveness of Motorolla :P.

    Motorolla has a pure monopoly on a private platform; if Apple were still licensing, and you could buy Umax, SuperMac and other Mac Clones, I'm 100% positive There'd be 4Ghz Macs by now, because those companies would strive to compete with Apple.

    banksy art balloon. anksy art girl with
  • anksy art girl with

  • Platform
    Jul 23, 06:15 AM
    This would be great, espessialy if the display would be of a more "reader pleasant" kind, like the new digital paper books from Sony & Co ;)

    banksy art balloon. BALLOON AND BANKSY - 9x11

  • res1233
    Apr 12, 12:01 PM
    If they build it from scratch, they could probably design the place with working conditions that don't make people as suicidal (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1104449&referrerid=51132).

    The only reason suicide rates spiked was because of this policy regarding suicides that involved reimbursing the families for their loss if their loved one suicided at foxconn, if i remember correctly. That policy doesn't exist anymore AFAIK. People were just trying to provide for their families, even in death.

    banksy art balloon. Banksy House on the Hill
  • Banksy House on the Hill

  • mrsir2009
    May 5, 01:44 PM
    My god, 3D is so overrated! Its not that good!

    banksy art balloon. anksy balloon girl
  • anksy balloon girl

  • Cybergypsy
    Nov 8, 07:56 AM
    Keeping my "no issues" macbook and will hope for the red......think I will wait till the next bump.

    banksy art balloon. Banksy Ballon Girl Large
  • Banksy Ballon Girl Large

  • AppleinJapan
    Sep 4, 06:48 AM
    Ive waited and waited for a year to replace my old G3 imac so I hope that Apple release an Imac with a 23 inch screen ! It would be great for animators like myself.....I was thinking of buying a Samsung screen anyway so plz Apple release it

    banksy art balloon. Banksy-Boo
  • Banksy-Boo

  • QuarterSwede
    Oct 16, 03:52 PM
    Jobs' brilliance shines through in this interview. Keep the hits coming Steve!

    He's so good, he makes their "killer" feature, wireless sharing, sound dork-tastic!

    All the while making listenign together sexy as hell.

    You go girl!
    Yeah, after I read it, I was like "that man is a marketing genius!".

    banksy art balloon. Bomb hugger, somegirl alloons
  • Bomb hugger, somegirl alloons

  • wizard
    Mar 11, 03:27 PM
    finally! I'm waiting to hand my money over for a mac pro, but this is good too. It'd be nice if Apple still saw the Mac as its primary business, but we can't all have what we want..

    This attitude is crap! The chips suitable for these machine have barely been on the market and you seem to think it justifies throwing that attitude around. It isn't just Intel either as Apple has to implement a new GPU plan and get all of the new OS components working.

    It is far better for the user that Apple takes it's time here to do the system right. Further I suspect part of the hold up is the next release of Snow Leopard an update everybody will want. You do want SL to improve in a positive manner don't you?


    As an aside I've seen a few posts already from people crying about recently purchased MBPs and the expected soon update. Either get with it or shut up folks. It is not a mystery that a new generation of MBPs are coming. Thus the implication that you really needed those new machines, so these new machines really mean nothing. Otherwise you spent your money on a lark and deserve the frustration you have.

    In any event I'm kinda interested in what the Mini might turn into. With the desktops so far ahead of this machine again there is plenty of room for a very significant update. They could turn that optical free model into one hot box with the right chipset.


    banksy art balloon. Code: BANKSYBALLOONGSP

  • Vantage Point
    Mar 12, 07:35 AM
    Store is open for business. No new MP or MBP today.

    banksy art balloon. Banksy - Heart Balloon
  • Banksy - Heart Balloon

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 11, 06:50 AM
    I just upgraded to CS5 a few months ago for $600. The 5.5 upgrade would cost another $400. Adobe is easily my least favorite company in the world.

    The question to ask is do you have a need for the new features ? If not, then you aren't forced to update and probably shouldn't. In the real world, most profesionals only upgrade when a product is EOL'd or if they need a particular new feature. Upgrading every release makes little sense.

    banksy art balloon. Banksy Balloon Girl Graffiti
  • Banksy Balloon Girl Graffiti

  • ChrisA
    Aug 3, 11:08 AM
    I completely agree. It would be a big surprise to me that any method of connecting to an OS X Mac would allow it to be controlled without specific permissions granted by the administrator account, suggesting these guys left the account open on purpose .

    No, the way this works is to effectly by-pas all that. All buffer overflow "hacks" do this.

    What you do is send a poorly formatted, out of spec network packet. The driver reads the packet which is oversized and places it in memory. The packet being over sized over writes some of the driver code. Some of this over written code is an entry point to the driver. So the next time that entry point is called the hackers code is executed. One you are able to incert your own code into the Kernel all that "permissions stuff" is moot because you have effectiviely loaded your own operating system code over top of Mac OS. In a real-world exploit the little bit of code in the first oversized packet would contain a loader that would read following packets.

    This kind os hack is very, very hard to do. and very easy to patch the driver so it can't happen. In fact any code review should have caught it. Kind of proves that whoever wrote the wireles driver didn't bother with a peer review code walkthrough.

    Nov 14, 01:07 AM
    I don't recall massive outcry from the devs on those other platforms. Why do you think that is?

    Um, the same sort of NDA that Apple had in the beta phase of their developer's program?

    Sep 1, 05:40 PM
    You apparently didn't notice, but I did not even mention a $399 retail price, let alone "spout off" about it.Sure you did. Go back and read your response to the portion of my post that you quoted.

    You directly/exclusively quoted...People need to stop with the "OMG windows is $400" talk. It's just silly.and responded / spouted off with...It doesn't seem silly to me at all.Your direct quote and response to that portion of my post certainly is a mention of the $399 retail price. You directly refered to the $399 retail price and commented on it.

    Refering to the $399 retail price of Vista Ultimate when we were obviously discussing "upgrading" from XP to Vista is either ignorant or disingenuous. I'll let you decide which of the two best describes you.

    Have fun with that

    Jul 22, 11:14 PM
    Throw in a spanish-english dictionary with either voice recognition or the ability to spell out the word to find the meaning and I am there.
    Oh, I could sooooo say something here, but it would probably be considered a racist flame-bait, so I'll just steer clear of it.

    But I would say that it won't be me needing that particular feature...

    *mumbles something to self about this being an English-speaking country and runs out of the thread*

    May 5, 11:38 PM
    I'd be happy if they supported over-the-air WiFi syncing. We can update the OS OTA but not sync my contacts and calendar items? Sheesh.

    Aug 3, 03:53 PM
    well aside from the obvious items for refreshing/new products:
    Mac Pro (towers)
    Mac Mini (a lil more there for the $$)
    Macbook Pro (merom Processor + faster GPU maybe new body)
    xServe (well needs Intel power)

    I would LOVE to get a lil ole Apple made Airplane/Auto power adapter for the Macsafe power of portables.

    Why is it taking so long for this?

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