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McDowell's Friendship Nights at Malt & Leaf, The Roof PJ

McDowell's held the second Friendship Nights a few weeks ago at Malt & Leaf, The Roof. I went there alone (ironically) but the social butterfly in me was able to identify a few familiar faces and we took it off from there!

Plenty of hot girls and popular people (online, at least) were seen at the party. The rare ones you hardly ever got to see in REAL LIFE, were present! My my, I really had a hard time recognizing some of them hahaha.

McDowell's organized such a party to celebrate the wonderful moments of "Friendship". What other way can you be bounded closer - other than a few drinks to get you started?! Well, most of my epic memories usually revolves around a few rounds of shots and I seriously miss the times when raves were "the thing" in Malaysia. Thank you McDowell's for being so thoughtful by organizing a series of Friendship Nights to get people together again!

I didn't managed to take much pictures with friends (because I was busy catching up with them) BUT you can go stalk on Instagram by searching #No1FriendshipNights!

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