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Chance in Movie

My place of residence is Kochi in South India and I was nineteen years old when the things happened last year.  After my father, who was a business man in Saudi Arabia passed away, my mother, my elder sister, and I returned home. My sister and I were sent to a women’s college in Trivandrum.  The college was run by Catholic nuns who were very god-fearing.  We were staying in the college hostel, near the beach.  Although both of us had good looks, we had to wear modest clothes and no make up.  The students in the hostel never got a chance to mingle with men.  All of them were feeling sexually repressed.

I used to hear that my mother was involved in rackets of wealthy men. When we visited home for Christmas, she had bobbed her hair and was wearing lot of make up.  She was receiving many calls over her cell phone.  She never spoke about them to us.  Then in March of last year, few weeks before my final examination, I received a letter from her.  She had given our photographs to a well respected film producer who was doing business in Bahrain.  Recently he had turned to movie making.  He was interested in giving me a chance in a movie. 
As requested by my mother, I reached home by train one Saturday afternoon. From the railway station, I took a local bus to reach our rented house in an affluent suburb of Kochi. As I neared our house, I noticed a Cadillac car parked in the front.  When I pressed the calling bell, mother came and took me inside. A handsome young man, movie producer, and a camera man with his video equipments were relaxing in our living room.  Mother introduced me to the young man, Prem. He was the male actor in the movie they wanted me to act. 
After serving me lunch, my mother took me to the bedroom and changed me from my churidar to a half sari and sleeveless blouse.  I was very shy to go in front of the guests.  My mother made me pour imported whiskey in the glasses of the guests.  I was surprised to see her drink.  At that time the calling bell sounded.   A thirty year old man with a small leather bag and a folded plastic sheet was at the front door.  He asked to see my mother.  My mother told me that the movie producer wanted to shorten my hair before acting in his movie.  She had arranged the barber from the nearby street to come to our house.  I was shocked when she told this to me. I requested her not to do so.  But she told that a short hair was what the producer had planned for me.  She has to respect his wish since he was paying a hefty sum to us as fee.  He was very generous to allow me to act in a movie without any experience.
She proceeded to put a small metal chair in the bathroom after turning on the light.  She made me sit on it.  The barber unfolded his plastic sheet and spread it on me.  My mother went and got the movie producer from the living room and left.  I never had a haircut after I passed my preschool.  The barber had opened his leather bag containing the scissors and other implements.  For the convenience of travel, I had braided my long curly hair into a pig tail.  The producer removed my braid and asked the barber to shorten my hair well so that all of my neck could be seen.  I had tingling sensation when the barber wetted my hair with cold water.  Then he shortened it well.  The producer ran his hand over my neck and asked the barber to shave the hair on my neck.  After the barber obliged, the man took a piece of soap and asked him to shave my face after applying it.  The barber wetted the soap with water from the tap and spread it all over my face including below my nose.  Then he shaved my face carefully.  He dried my face with a towel.  The man asked the barber to shave my underarm after applying soap.  The barber lowered the plastic sheet covering my body enough so that he could do his work.  I reluctantly raised my right arm when the barber brought the wet soap near it.   I had never shaved my underarm before.  Hair had been growing in my armpit since I reached puberty.  The barber used his straight edged razor and shaved it.  After shaving, he dried my armpit with a paper napkin.  When the barber approached my left armpit with his razor, I could not control myself and a drop of tear fell from my eye.  However I raised my arm so that the barber could do his work.  After drying it with a napkin, the barber removed the plastic sheet from me.

The producer escorted me to the bedroom and told me that the movie shooting was ready to begin.  As scripted by the producer, Prem uttered a long monologue in a high pitch as part of the movie.  The camera man recorded it carefully using his video camera.  Prem removed his shirt and pants and was in his underwear.  Then he got on the bed.  The producer asked me to remove my half sari and get on the bed.  I angrily told the producer that I did not want to act in this kind of movie.  The producer held my hands while Prem removed all my clothes including my underwear. Filled with shame, I looked for my mother.  She was no where to be seen.  After laying me on the bed, Prem kissed all over my body and my hair.  Then he performed intercourse for a long time.  The camera man again diligently taped all these scenes on his video camera.   I was in a surreal world.  After the producer and the camera man were done with me, I could barely breathe.  The producer got Prem to ejaculate in the wine glass he brought from the living room.  They helped me sit on the bed.  Then they made me drink Prem’s ejaculate using a straw.  The ejaculate tasted salty and viscous in my mouth. After the three men left the room, I some how got up and dressed.  I felt like passing out and lay on the bed. I remained in the bed for about an hour.By the time, I collected myself and made to the living room, darkness had spread outside.  My mother was sleeping in the sofa with her arm around the movie producer.  Prem and the camera man were also napping.  My mother woke and went to prepare the evening tea.  The three men behaved in a very courteous way from then on until they left that night.  After they left, my mother gave me some expensive gift items like cell phone, French perfume, and a heavy gold necklace.  These were some of the items the producer had given her.  My mother requested me to keep the incident quiet since the movie DVD was to be sold only in the Gulf countries. Apparently, none of our acquaintances has yet known about it. With the success of my movie, our financial situation has improved significantly.  

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