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✏ Teacher chit chat #5: Things have changed! / working from home

Hi guys!

It's been a long time since my last teacher chit chat. I remember I was pretty much saying goodbye to the school year and... a lot has changed after that.

Where to begin? That Summer, during my break, I got the chance to start another teaching job in an after school languages club for a couple of hours a week, including Saturdays. So yeah, I started juggling 2 jobs. It was crazy at the beginning but I slowly began to organize my schedules, lesson plans and timing. I was happy. Tired but, happy. Hehe.

At school things were going great with my students. I could tell they were improving and their first evaluation came with great results. At the same time, so many unpleasant things happened and I decided to quit my job. It was hard but it had to be done. Lucky me, I had a job interview the next week and, I got a job!  So I pretty much said goodbye to 2019 with a new job and my afternoon classes.

I'm constantly reminding myself that changes are always for the best, no matter how much I hate the process. I do miss the good friends I had in my previous job and my students but, I'm happy where I am at right now. It was an adapting process of course because now I have a busier schedule and I'm running all the time. I'm working with the Montessori system which I'm still not too familar with and I don't only have 3 elementary school groups, I'm also teaching jr. high. Surprisingly I just love to work with them, they make me laugh so much!!
In the afternoon I took less hours but I still have to wake up early on Saturdays to teach adults.
And it's funny how much I refused to work with teenagers and adults and how much I love it now.

That's pretty much the short version of my working journey since late 2019 until now.

Moving on to this whole coronavirus thing... I know things have been crazy and hard for many people around the world and even tho it hasn't gotten as bad over here yet. It is scary and it's already affecting us.
I'm lucky to say I can still work from home (I need to keep myself busy!), planning and sending daily activities for my students and even using different platforms and video calls to continue my work with them. It's been a big change, yeah but I still consider myself lucky to have this chances.
Hopefully this thing will be over soon, we gotta stay safe and take care of ourselves and people around us as much as possible.

All in all, and to keep this post short-ish, this year has been a very good one working wise, it has already taught me so much about so many things I thought I'd never do. I'm even learning from this whole virus situation.
Not long ago, I was told that I am a bit of a workaholic and you know what? maybe I am. But this time is for the right reasons. Work is not my priority because I need to fill in empty spaces like I did years ago. Right now, working it's one of my priorities because I enjoy it and because it is one of the most rewarding things I have. There are a few things I still need to work on like organization because, I'm still all over the place all the time, finishing tasks last minute but... I guess some things will never change. Right?

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