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Social critic criticism...Air and Water debacles

  Ramon Ramos
   Millions descend downtown in Chicago to watch the tax-wasted military glorifying air and water show every year in Chicago. this is a city that is in constant need of the image of entertaining people and all this does is add serious strains to the budgets and put the city more in a junk-rated bond status. The air and water show is example of the biggest waste of government spending along with waste of productive time to all the dweebs that show up for a limited view of things Iraqis see laying waste to their country for free. I am not sure how many air and water shows there are across the nation but there must be plenty for all large cities likely have one. of these tributes to air pirates of our military. Now this air and water show has cost and wasted the life of a parachutist who flew off course and struck a building at top speed like you see all these bird brains do and get smashed up in the pavement. I really don't think most people noticed nor would care if these accidents happened annually at these events just as long as they have something every summer to look forward and see where their tax dollars are wasted to the military industrial complex. As one can see from these shows this spending is often not even used to protect our nation but to add to bread and circus objectives of the corporate masters.  Airman Corey hood will no longer be attending any air shows after his accident as he died the following day amid little reporting on the news of his stagtus. The air and Water tax=payer waste show needs to be fully examined for safty and perhaps looked into skipping in the future as potential tragedies with unstable jet flyers is always a possibility to these events in the post 9/11 era of increasing conscious of the destructive ability of a jet smashing into a large crowd or building. Instead of making this nation safe these jets can be used against the public easier than one can say Geronimo.

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