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selena gomez hairstyles bob

selena gomez hairstyles bob. Selena Gomez Half Up Half Down
  • Selena Gomez Half Up Half Down

  • milo
    Jul 24, 05:17 PM
    I love my MM, makes me miss the scroll ball when I use anything else.

    If buttons or wheel aren't working right for you, why don't you just take it back and get a replacement under warranty?

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez short haircut ob
  • selena gomez short haircut ob

  • arnebanane
    Apr 14, 05:45 AM
    there are always some really nice photos in this thread. I am following for a long time but posting, well I always postpone it.

    here is a b/w series from an abandoned shipyard/harbour before it underwent some reconstruction, I will try to post others in the next couple of days.


    Shot on kodak film, 400 iso b/w, analog, Pentax ME

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez hairstyles curly.
  • selena gomez hairstyles curly.

  • bakerzdosen
    Apr 13, 07:39 PM
    Agreed. Who in their right mind would buy this? I don't care when the iPhone 5 comes out - I've stuck with my 3g for this long, I'm not going to cave now and get an iPhone 4 - even if it is white. It's all about contracts. If I'm going to be stuck with something for 2 years, it had better be the best available at the time of purchase.

    Personally, although I really like Apple, I hope that iPhone 4 sales tank in the next month or two. 1 year and 3 months is too long to have the iPhone 4 be your flagship phone product - especially when you don't communicate it to your customers. But, knowing my luck, sales will take off when they don't announce anything in June. :(

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez short haircut ob
  • selena gomez short haircut ob

  • HasanDaddy
    Mar 15, 03:41 AM
    and btw - I mentioned in another thread, but Fashion Island will be opening early at 9 AM, according to their sales people


    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez hairstyles 2010.
  • selena gomez hairstyles 2010.

  • phsdrumguy
    May 3, 11:37 PM
    I'm trying to old out with my cracked screen 3GS. Not sure I can wait until September...

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez short haircut
  • selena gomez short haircut

  • Don't panic
    Apr 29, 10:40 AM
    good bye Annie, see you at the club next MRlife.

    any news of Aggie? are you ok?

    so is eldiablo plainly getting rid of all his 'enemies'? is he being framed? is he building an "I am being framed" defense?


    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez hairstyles 2010.
  • selena gomez hairstyles 2010.

  • TheOnlyJon
    Nov 24, 11:55 PM
    I want my brother to be able to go to Germany with his school like I was able to.

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. -hair-style-selena-gomez
  • -hair-style-selena-gomez

  • einmusiker
    Dec 31, 12:25 AM
    No, I'm 100% right. Weight control is about calories. End of story. Calories in < Calories out and you lose weight. Opposite and you gain weight. There's no more or less here, that is the very basic premise. You want to discuss specifics that affect calories in/calories out, but that's flawed. Teach people the base first, and let them balance themselves out. You can very easily test your metabolic rate.

    So you're saying these people have abnormally low "Calories out". It still comes down to that very simple equation. These people first have to fix their calories out, get their metabolism back straight, then they can fix their calories in.

    It is that easy to lose weight. People don't know this very simple and basic concept, they think "Fat/Sugar" has to do with weight, which is completely false. "Low Saturated Fat!" on a box of cookies means squat if the cookies are 170 calories for 3 vs 180 calories for 3 of the same cookies with normal saturated fat. You still can't eat the whole box in one sitting and think "hey, it's low fat, I can't gain weight from this".

    You'd be surprised how many people think this way.

    People struggle because like someone pointed out, they lack willpower and I'll add that they lack education. Calorie control is the only way to lose weight. There's seriously no other way, since weight is based off of calories and calories alone. To lose weight, you need a calorie deficiency. To be more precise, 3500 calories = 1 lbs, each way. So you need to create a calorie deficiency of 3500 calories before you lose 1 lbs. My metabolic rate is around 1740, that's what I burn each day without lifting a finger. Add in my normal routine, and I'm around the magic 2000 calorie diet. Let's not add in my gym routine. So to lose 1 lbs in 7 days, I need to go on a 1500 calorie diet per day. That's going to give me a deficiency of 500 per day, times 7 days, 1 lbs lost.

    There's entire industries because they profit from it. Some people like to buy "instant" solutions. 1 lbs in 7 days ? Bah humbug, too long, I have 100 to lose! There's no instant solutions to weight loss, quite the contrary, the entire weight loss industry makes money by keeping people fat and coming back for miracle cures. Their proposed plans of "1 shake/bar for breakfeast, same for lunch and a balanced diner" is awful. First, it should be the opposite, a good breakfeast and then their bars/shakes for lunch and diner. Breakfeast is where you get your day's energy. Second, that's not calorie control since it doesn't explain that it is trying to create a calorie deficit. So people just still overeat, they compensate the calories they didn't eat at breakfeast/lunch with a huge "balanced" diner.

    I'm 32, work 35 hours per week in IT (sitting down on my ass), am on call with tons of pages coming in once every 2 weeks. I have a girlfriend, a mortgage and a dog.

    Again, staying trim has nothing to do with having time or being busy or not. If you spend less calories, eat less calories. Balance your calories in to your calories out and you'll stay trim. Sure it means doing a bit more research into what you're eating, but that's not impossible. It also means listening to your body. Feeling "stuffed" means you overate. You should never feel full or stuffed. A donut is not faster to mow down than an Apple. It's not more filling either. It's tons more calories though.

    You made an assumption about me and you were wrong. You should look at yourself and what you are or aren't doing that is making you fat, not make up excuses.

    But again, it's just because you don't understand your caloric need for a day and you either overeat or eat just the right amount to maintain your weight. You don't even need to exercise to create a calorie deficiency. I think you're the perfect example of what I'm talking about, you don't understand the very basic concept, which has nothing to do with time spent, but rather food ingested.

    People need to get it out of their heads that it is about exercise. It's 10% working out, 90% food. Get your nutrition right and you won't need to exercise a day in your life. If you want to get fit however, make sure to balance your nutrition around your added caloric need to not drop weight too fast or at all if your goal is maintaining.
    ok, I'm sorry but how the hell do you know what I do or don't understand about nutrition?? your presumptions are offensive


    selena gomez hairstyles bob. Category: Selena Gomez
  • Category: Selena Gomez

  • Mainyehc
    Jul 24, 05:24 PM
    The mighty mouse is a great mouse. The only thing I dislike about it is the way the scroll wheel sticks. My wife doesn't like the squeeze buttons on the side, but I think they work great. I guess it's all a matter of preference. If they fix the scrolling wheel problem on the new one's I would definitely buy one. I've found though that cleaning the scroll wheel with rubbing alchohol several times in a row will take care of the sticking problem.

    BEWARE: I use to do this too, and my "press-the-scroll-ball-and-click-the-mouse" 3rd button ceased to work right after one of those cleaning sessions. I don't know if the two events were related, but I tend to believe they were :eek: . I might have used too much alcohol that time, though... :o [*rubbing* alcohol, don't get me wrong :p ]

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez hairstyles long.
  • selena gomez hairstyles long.

  • Intell
    Apr 25, 10:35 PM
    You need my approval to sell the sandwhich shop which I (in God-form) have given you. Consider it denied.



    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez short haircut ob
  • selena gomez short haircut ob

  • MattMJB0188
    May 4, 09:51 AM
    I don't understand one thing. Why can't Apple confirm this themselves? That way people will at least know what they can do. Either you wait or you move onto to another device.

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez hairstyles bob.
  • selena gomez hairstyles bob.

  • Plymouthbreezer
    May 2, 12:01 AM
    Americans have been waiting for this day for almost a decade; this is great news.


    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez hairstyles bob.
  • selena gomez hairstyles bob.

  • mcornill
    Aug 15, 07:22 PM
    Whats happening with iChat, are they getting it to work with MSN Messenger networks like with AOL?

    I have just switched to Mac, and it's annoying I cant Video Conference with any MSN Messenger users (MSN Messenger on Mac doesnt support it). iChat is awesome but I have no contacts, lol. Anyone know of any other way, I have tried AdiumX and looked into Jabber.

    You can use aMsn an open-source MSN client which supports web cams (including the embedded iSight).
    It's available as a universal binary.


    selena gomez hairstyles bob. Selena Gomez Hairstyles
  • Selena Gomez Hairstyles

  • displaced
    Jul 25, 04:32 PM
    Well Apple is using Intel parts now that explains the lower quality. They're taking their parts from the same bin now; quality suffers... :mad:

    Oh... dear... lord...

    The MBP's whine (arguably the biggest problem, barring heat) was caused by either: 1) the inverter for the LCD backlight, or 2) power regulation for the CPU, which (believe it or not) the G-series also required very similar parts. Neither of these components were designed or built by Intel. If you want to blame someone, blame Foxconn/Hon Hai/Asustek/whoever built the system. I'd probably put money on that company also having built PPC systems for Apple at some point.

    The heat? Well, again, depending on who you believe regarding the cause, that's either dodgy thermal paste application (blame Asustek/whoever again), or... well, let's say that the Core line are rather toasty no matter who's using it.... but again, for the computing power, the Core is a great piece of work. Before the switch, there was zero chance of us having a laptop with this amount of computational power at *any* heat output.

    Wonky 'eject' key on the MBP's? Asustek/whoever again.

    The switch to Intel had zero bearing on quality control. QC's performed by the system builder.

    Let's look back a bit through the mists of time...

    Apple-designed logic boards. Were they somehow sprinkled with the magic fairy-dust of goodness? No. iBook and eMac failures?

    Apple-designed chipsets: sub-par USB2 performance, even on the G5.

    Apple-designed power systems: G5 chirping.

    QC is a problem across the industry. Apple's used to be exemplary (many years ago... I'm talking Pismo/Wallstreet era). Now it's merely average or -- depending on the studies/surveys you believe -- slightly above-average.


    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez haircut
  • selena gomez haircut

  • Ish
    Apr 12, 07:05 AM
    Just been on a business trip to Florida and stayed at a hotel in West Palm Beach. The car park and surrounding area were planted with these trees. I think they're banyan trees, a type of fig. Can anyone confirm or otherwise? At night it was lovely to stroll outside and listen to the insects chirping. The lights in the car park lit the trees from underneath giving them a very LOTR look! We were taking a big exhibition with us and everything was just on the limit weight-wise so I daren't even take a monopod, it was so close, so the camera was hand held for this photo. It's not sharp enough to enlarge but wanted to share the look of the place!


    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez hairstyles bob.
  • selena gomez hairstyles bob.

  • Bevz
    Dec 30, 06:21 AM
    And i felt guilty about the pizza i had on xmas eve! LOL

    Seriously though; "Daily Mail" and "Sunday Mirror"... Says everything you need to know!


    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez hairstyles bob.
  • selena gomez hairstyles bob.

  • oldwatery
    Apr 22, 04:18 PM
    I'm confused :confused:
    I thought the latest rumor was for the 5 to retain the form factor of the 4 with no redesign till the 6 next year.
    I like what I see here and will definitely be a player for it when and if it materializes.
    I don't like the 4's thick and heavy look at all so for me this is a step in the right direction.

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. selena gomez haircut 2010.
  • selena gomez haircut 2010.

  • lmalave
    Oct 19, 08:18 AM
    Its clear Apple is missing something in the midrange desk top line. Its time for the Cube or Macintosh or headless iMac or Max Mini or something. iMac isnt for everyone and the world has billions of big beautiful displays just waiting for a midrange Mac but if Apple prices it again the same as the towers it will be another failure. Its way past time for the next Macintosh. Needs a real GPU, at least 1 expansion slot and should be priced right along with ugly iMac:D or a pinch below.

    This is not beyond the realm of possibility. I could see Apple modifying the Mac mini at some point to make the graphics card more accessible and upgradeable. But of course it would be a laptop graphics card and not a full desktop graphics card. Do ATI / nVidia sell something like mini-PCI graphics cards to consumers?

    But anyway, althought it's a possibility I think it's a slim one, since gamers are just not Apple's focus right now...

    selena gomez hairstyles bob. Selena Gomez#39;s Side Ponytail
  • Selena Gomez#39;s Side Ponytail

  • WildCowboy
    Jul 10, 05:02 PM
    Dammit. I misread this article title as "Page 3 features" as in the Page 3 of Macrumors we had for April Fools.

    You're not alone...you're the third one in this thread to mention it.

    Apr 13, 08:51 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5227/5614995836_34cb024583_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stefanctf/5614995836/)

    I like this. I see a commercial use for this one ... I don't know what the product would be, but I see it used in an ad for something.

    Here's mine for today: Public bathrooms in Cozumel, Mexico.


    ISO 400, 50mm, f/4.5, 1/1000

    Oct 23, 11:27 PM
    you mean people PAY for windows? :confused: :confused:

    Nov 8, 09:25 AM
    Two tickets for the UEFA CHampion's League final in Wembley next year :)

    May 2, 12:19 PM
    I am amazed as to why we have not seen a single "imac 2011 leak" ... pics of the new imac .. pics of the box ? etc like with the iphones lol .... i'm going to be seriously depressed if i go to apple.com/uk tomorrow and still see that white iphone on there ... seriously

    Unless the form factor of any given product in the Macintosh line is radically different or re-designed, leaked pictures of such products are boring and uninteresting.

    Plus the iPhones are still the "New, hot thing" in Apple-land, so even a millimeter's difference in the case is a big deal.

    Apr 14, 02:17 PM
    I just updated mine and there is a noticeable difference in speed with this update. It is much faster in opening applications and text messages.

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