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Please Take a Moment...

...and sign this petition against the discriminatory move Amazon recently made against the gay community. You can read about it here. It's pretty disgraceful not too mention outright stupid on Amazon's part. My favorite part, Nathaniel said sarcastically, was the de-ranking of books about homophobia. Way to prove the point of those books, you fools.

update 04/13 there's some jerk claiming "I did it" about the Amazon de-gaying... with dozens of commenters enjoying his prank (censorship is so hilarious). Other web denizens think it a lie, a hoax about a hoax. The levels. And still others are saying it was a glitch. None of this solves the real problem (why are there ANY systems that allow customers to decide for other customers what is appropriate reading material?) or answers the real question (Why did Amazon originally defend this as policy?)

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